Development Training & Coaching
Identify And
Maximize Long-Term Sustainable Resources
There is good news! There is a much better way – a more biblical way to do fundraising than most Christian organizations and churches understand. We offer extensive training to development staff and leaders that is absolutely transformational for both the organization and those who support them. Building upon a solid theology of development and a biblical worldview, fundraising becomes far more a spiritual exercise than a financial one – to everyone’s relief and delight!
You Want Ministry Partners, Not Just Financial Donors?
You Want Ministry Partners,
Not Just Financial Donors?
Most fundraising methods require intense efforts from the development team that often exhausts the organizations already limited human and financial resources often without seeing much significant fruit.
By turning your development department into a stewardship ministry to high-capacity families, you will now be able to serve these families instead of them always serving you. You can now help them become better stewards and in doing so enabling them to become much more generous and effective in how they manage and deploy the resources that God has entrusted them to manage.
You can now help these families become good and faithful stewards and at the same time be paving the way for your organization to much more effectively fulfill its mission. Combining a biblical worldview and a stewardship planning ministry together enables everyone to end up achieving “Maximum Kingdom Impact”.
Achieve Long-Term Sustainability
Investing in Your Ministry Partners
We help you identify and cultivate your current and potential high-capacity families who share your vision
You will help them discover how to maximize the Kingdom impact through strategic, stewardship planning
You will help them find God’s will and purpose for their lives and how to most effectively live it out
Who We Serve
Christian Schools and Universities
Ensuring the highest standards of education while integrating Christian values is a challenge that sets Christian universities and schools apart. This mission necessitates financial resources that don’t always align easily with traditional funding models. Our goal is to simplify this complexity for your institution. We incorporate a biblical theology of development and a biblical worldview into your advancement culture enabling you to connect on a much deeper and more intimate level with your highest-capacity families. This stewardship ministry approach dramatically increases loyalty and both current and long-term giving which is typically many multiples of what these families have given to your institution in the past.
Christian Non-Profits
Finding ministry partners for your unique nonprofit’s cause can be challenging because they must align with your mission and believe that you will steward their resources well. Working with hundreds or even thousands of ministry partners can be draining on your leadership and your development team which can create turnover and burnout. That’s where we come in and help prevent those issues by equipping them to be more confident in their divine mission while simplifying the stewardship process by helping them identify and connect with high-capacity families.
Many churches grapple with the ongoing challenge of depending solely on traditional tithing to fund their operations – a strategy that routinely falls short of realizing the church’s vision. We empower your pastors, development team, and financial team by offering a biblical theology of fundraising that is neither awkward nor legalistic. With this approach, you will be able to unlock far greater potential for impact in how you teach and disciple your highest capacity families.
As stewards, we are led by Jesus Christ connect the hearts and minds of our ministry partners with the people we serve at The Rescue Mission. This unique fundraising philosophy aligns with the Word of God, is inspired by the Spirit of God and encourages the people of God to participate in the transformation of the most vulnerable people in our community.
II Corinthians 9:8 (NLT), And God will generously provide all you need. Then you will always have everything you need and plenty left over to share with others.
Certified Fund Raising Executive Approved!
All the coaching and training that is provided by Stewardship Resource Group has been approved for CFRE credits towards the CFRE designation and/or for those who already have it as continuing education credits.
“His master replied, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master’s happiness!’”
Matthew 25:23